David Fink, CFA®

Partner & Lead Advisor

Sarasota, FL

David has been involved in the financial services industry for over 25 years. During his tenure, he has worked with some of the world’s largest investors as well as people just trying to figure things out; he has bought, operated and sold businesses, so he knows the struggles and rewards business owners face; and he has been involved in both commercial and residential investment real estate. He has helped his clients not only with their investments, but with tax, estate, creditor, business, and a variety of other issues. Most importantly, he has become a resource that his clients have been able to turn to so that they can delegate their financial concerns and focus on making the most out of actually living their lives. 

David has authored articles for Investopedia as well as a number of other publications. David has a BS in Mathematics and an MBA from the University of Florida. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.

David and his wife Debbie live in Sarasota, Florida. During their free time, they enjoy traveling with friends and family and spending time with their four-legged family (3 dogs and too many horses to count).